Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forming Lasting Friendships

Every once in a while we are able to cross paths with individuals and form lasting friendships.

Our peers in the work environments become our family away from home, making it a wonderful experience when working together as a team. when possible do all you can to strengthen your relationships at work.

I have developed a few amazing relationships with peers, who have become a great source of blessing in my life. I hope they can say the same.

Monday, June 21, 2010

In Search of Quality Programs

Last year, I ran a networking group in order to share our experience on the job. The goal was to find out how we were doing across the board. I met individuals from Leisureworld, Extendicare and Chartwell.

The one constant with the Individuals working in the above listed organizations, is the need for more quality recreational providers. I agree there is a strong need for us to demand more from our team members.

We need to find a way to define quality programs, accept only quality programs, then hire and keep only team members who are willing to meet the set standards outlined.

The good news is that there is a strong community of recreational members who thinks of nothing else but enriching the lives of our residents; let us motivate these members, showcasing their examples.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Living a life of service

I experienced an extraordinary meeting in 2007 when I met our Governor General, Michaelle Jean. What I will remember was my determination to ensure that she did not leave before I had had an opportunity to have my photograph taken with her at my side. She had shook hands with myself and the other managers,but I wanted to have something more to remember her by on that day.

I wanted to have the opportunity like Condoleezza Rice,being in the presence of a fellow woman of service, a woman actively making a difference in our world. I was even willing to be reprimanded by my boss at the time because she did not want me to disturb the Governor General, as she was making her way out of the building. As fortune would have it, my boss was called away and being a keen observer, I was offered the photo by the Michaelle Jean herself. I was pleased to have my opportunity of course but as the photo show, I was scared ...

It is said that our lives are meaningless if it is not spend in service to others. I am a great admirer of women who are leaving footprints for us to follow.

Being in the field of recreation is one of the most satisfying fields there is, though stressful at times. Knowing that I may be an instrument of hope for a resident feeling alone and sometimes forsaken is a great comfort to me.
The smallest gesture to someone can be life changing, it may be in the form of us saying hello to someone on the street, helping a friend in need without waiting for them to ask or giving someone a thank you card. Living a live of service can be summed up in these words, "find a need and fill it"