Monday, May 11, 2009

Fail Fast

Fail fast! Yes, you heard me, start failing. What is it that you are wanting to do? What have you been contemplating but find yourself being talked out of it.

We are so afraid some of us to take chances in life. We think back to our past experiences, look at our current situations and listen to what the naysayers have to say and sit back in regret and frustration. we are not defined by our past, our present situation can be altered with small actions and more than any other success strategy, we need to move away from individuals who has the capacity to hold us back. Don't always gauge your actions by the opinions of others, it is your vision not theirs no wonder they are not able to see the future as you do.

The more risks we take in life, the faster we will fail, but here is the best part, you'll also learn along the way and sooner than later stumble head first into success. Someone once said, show me a man who has not made any mistakes lately and I will show you a man who is not being productive, taking chances or living to his fullest.

Let the little successes along the way sustain you until you reach one level of success and another and another. You can do it, you can make it because I will travel along with you. I am failing forward, like John Maxwell says in his best seller, Failing Forward. I am at this time looking to return to the work force after having my beautiful little girl, working on breaking into the public speaking arena and seeking the love of my life. The plan is to fail fast, healthy, smart and learn quickly.

Remember it is only failure if you stay down. Rest if you must but always remember to get back out onto the field.

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