Thursday, May 21, 2009

Resumes are not getting us interviews

We have all heard of someone in our circle stating how many resumes they have been sending out to employers with no offers of interviews. Perhaps you, like me have been that person, second guessing yourself as to what the problem could be with your resume.

I have asked myself, is my resume too long, too short, do I come across as being assertive, too assertive ..., you get my point, it's enough to drive anyone crazy. The conclusion that I have come up with is that, someone is getting those positions that I am applying for, someone is getting calls to be interviewed. Bottom line, I would like to be one of those people.

Complaining to a close friend that I have not been on an interview for a month, she informed me that she has not had a call back for an interview since January, and now we are in May. What separates us from that interview offer? Why are our resumes being trashed? Let's face it, if you're not being called in for interviews chances are high that your resume is now recycled paper. Am I being too harsh in my assessment so far with the proposed tragedy of resumes?

I plan on getting to the bottom of the new and improved expectations of today's resumes, I believe that many of us are doing something terribly wrong and no one is going to tell us, we have to investigate for ourselves, either call up the person that you've sent your resume to and asked for feedback as to where you went wrong in presenting what you have to offer to the position, getting a professional resume writer to look at your resume and help you draft a new one or go the long way and start researching all the recently published books on resume writing and tweak, tweak, tweak, your resume, to perfection.

A few new pointers that I have discovered in resume writing are, sending out impact letters first instead of resumes to tell your interviewer what you can do for the company using the information in the ad, don't tell the employer what you are looking for but what you can and would like to offer in order to meet their needs, research all you can about the company to be able to properly highlight their needs strongly in your resume and lastly keep up with what's going on in your field, you do not want to be left behind. Oh, did I forget to mention, in all that you do, do not tell lies on your resumes.

I hope that someone will be helped after reading this entry, I would love to hear your comments/ addition pointers in resume writing. Someone said " there is nothing more frustrating than knowing you're capable of doing a task, wanting to do it and not having the opportunity" how true.

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